Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Our mantra!

April 19, 2011

Celebrating my daughter's birthday.
 I just got the latest report that my PSA has climbed 20 points in less than a month.  If this trend continues - it’s obviously not a good thing.

Fortunately the “mantra” that Sherry and I have established is “Live Above Cancer”---------this statement is a belief that enables us to try to rise above our circumstance and not be drawn down to the pit by bad reports.  I am realistic and don’t deny the doctors reports, but there is so much life around me to enjoy, starting with family and friends.

My daughter Nadine and wife Sherry
Yesterday was my daughter’s 32nd birthday.  It blessed my heart because our entire family was here to celebrate with her. On the other hand I recall my 32nd birthday- it was a great day with my wife and kids, but to have your siblings and parents with you too is a great blessing- which I didn’t have!   

So for me, to live above cancer, is to recognize and enjoy God’s blessings on my life.

Happy Birthday Nadine, let's do it again next year!

1 comment:

  1. Our mantra was to keep making memories - and sounds like your making some awesome ones
